Tara Salud Integral
Mcarmen Jara
Aromatherapy in your Emotional Field
Throughout the Course, we will study 42 essential oils, we will do deep olfactory practices with AE (PsicoAromatherapy) and we will carry out practices with Emotional Techniques and AE for self-knowledge and healing
Bi-weekly face-to-face course
6 workshops x 5h / workshop (40 eur / workshop)
Start Sept (to be finalized the week)
* Possible change to online by Covid
Bi-weekly face-to-face course
Weekly On-line Course
6 workshops x 5h / workshop (40 eur / workshop)
Start Sept (to be finalized the week)
* Possible change to online by Covid
8 workshops x 3h / workshop (25 eur / workshop)
Start Sept (to be specified)
* Possible change to online by Covid
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate
Aromatherapy in your Energy Field
Subtle Field Aromatherapy (Energy Aromatherapy) with Energy Techniques
Throughout the Course we will carry out practices with Energy Balances (anchor meridian chakras ...) with essential oils for self-knowledge and healing.
Necessary to have carried out aromatherapy in the emotional field
Bi-weekly face-to-face course
4 workshops x 5h / workshop (40 eur / workshop)
Start Step (to be specified)
* Possible change to online by Covid
Bi-weekly face-to-face course
4 workshops x 5h / workshop (40 eur / workshop)
Start Step (to be specified)
* Possible change to online by Covid
Weekly On-line Course
5 workshops x 3h / workshop (25 eur / workshop)
Start Step (to be specified)
** Possible change to online by Covid
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate