Tara Salud Integral
Mcarmen Jara
Terapeuta Liberación Emocional
Intensive Therapist: Emotional Freedom EFT | Sedona | Ho'oponopono
In this course you will learn emotional release techniques such as EFT (tapping), the Sedona Method and Ho'oponopono, either for yourself or as a therapist. We will do many personal growth exercises that will bring you clarity of mind, balance, well-being and energy, helping you to make decisions more easily and making you feel more secure.
The emotions. Emotional states.
What is Hoponopono?
The 3 parts of the Self (Self-identity)
The 5 most common wounds of the inner child
The wound of the feminine
The awakening
H process:
Premises to understand H
Basic tools
Trigger Words
Emotional release.
Emotional Release Techniques: EFT
Emotional Release Techniques: Positive Affirmations
What is the Sedona Method?
The process of letting go
The resistance
Release the desire to change
The 4 basic wishes
The desire to control
The desire for approval
The desire for security
The desire for separation
The cleaning procedure
Advanced techniques
Prosperity and abundance
The relationships
Health: our body
Course of 2 Modules of 4 hours | Price € 70 / Module | Presential and On-line
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate