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Naturopathy is the system to maintain health through natural practices, food, medicinal plants, oligotherapy, etc.


Holistic, from the Greek "holos" means "whole". This word summarizes the idea that everything in the Universe, and in Nature by extension (human being included), is interrelated, nothing is separate from nothing.


Holistic Naturopathy studies the factors that govern Life for the maintenance and recovery of health at the Physical, Emotional,

Mental and Energy levels.



Acupuncture is a bioenergetic technique

of the TCM that involves the stimulation of

anatomical locations  on the skin

using a variety of techniques :

the most common are the metal needles ....

¿Qué es la aromaterapia emocional o energética?

La Aromaterapia emocional y energética reconoce que los aromas son el vehículo más rápido y directo de conexión con los recuerdos y emociones.  Lo que el cerebro percibe a través del olfato nos lleva directamente a nuestra parte inconsciente logrando así esquivar el análisis mental y permitiendo que se realice un trabajo de evolución personal desde niveles más sutiles(chakras aura y meridianos), obteniendo el equilibrio y la armonía en todos nuestros planos. Algunos beneficios:

- Consigue claridad mental y enfoque
- Aporta tranquilidad y paz.
-Desbloquea situaciones no asimiladas
- Supera inseguridades y miedos
- Reconocer la verdadera esencia, pasión, alegría, amor.
- Logra a ser consciente y libre.

La aromaterapia también trabaja de forma directa e inmediata sobre el sistema nervioso y neuro-endocrino, por lo
que también es útil para solventar dificultades ligadas a patrones emocionales y mentales.
Deja que los aceites esenciales te sanen!


Variant of acupuncture, consists of the stimulation of the acupuncture points that are located in the pinna. It is based on the idea that the ear is a complete representation of the rest of the body.

Indicated for: fighting addictions (tobacco, alcohol), weight loss (reduces anxiety levels), low back pain, hemorrhoids, allergies, angina ...


Praxis Natur
técnica fitocomp


Acupuncture is a bioenergetic technique

of the TCM that involves the stimulation of

anatomical locations  on the skin

using a variety of techniques :

the most common are the metal needles ....



Variant of acupuncture, consists of the stimulation of the acupuncture points that are located in the pinna. It is based on the idea that the ear is a complete representation of the rest of the body.

Indicated for: fighting addictions (tobacco, alcohol), weight loss (reduces anxiety levels), low back pain, hemorrhoids, allergies, angina ...



Holistic Reflexology


Variant of acupuncture, consists of the stimulation of the acupuncture points that are located in the pinna. It is based on the idea that the ear is a complete representation of the rest of the body.

Indicated for: fighting addictions (tobacco, alcohol), weight loss (reduces anxiety levels), low back pain, hemorrhoids, allergies, angina ...


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