Tara Salud Integral
Mcarmen Jara

Reiki Level.1
It is a technique of channeling and transmitting vital energy through the laying on of hands, which is used to obtain peace and balance on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
It is a complementary technique to conventional medicine and psychological therapies recognized by the WHO (world health organization).
The Reiki 1 course is a great self-help technique that you can apply to others if you wish.
What is Reiki?
Fundamentals and basic characteristics of Reiki
Mikao Usui's teachings
The 5 precepts of Reiki:
Gasho's practice
Introduction to energy centers:
Nadis and Chakras meridians
Energy Vampirism and Block.
Chacras Checkup
Reiki degrees
The symbols: CHO-KU-REI
Preliminary considerations before applying Reiki
How to connect to Reiki Energy
Reiki practice:
Treating others
The adaptation period
Heaven-Earth Connection Meditation
Initiation 1st level of Reiki
Reiki practice
5 hour course | Price € 50 | Presential
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate
Reiki Level.2
With the 2nd level you will expand your Reiki knowledge, increasing your energy channel with three new symbols that will give you access to higher Reiki energy levels for mental-emotional harmonization and sending remote treatments for yourself and for other people .
Requirement: Have completed the 1st level.
2nd level Reiki symbols
Adaptation period to the 2nd level
Work forgiveness
How to purify and charge crystals
Crystals on 2nd level
Using crystals in meditation
Use of essential oils
The Reiki grill
The 2nd Reiki self - treatment
Reiki session to patient 2nd level
Remote Reiki session
Distance mental healing
Healing situation at a distance
Heaven-Earth Meditation
Initiation 2nd level of Reiki
Reiki practice
5 hour course | Price € 50 | Presential
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate
Reiki Level.3
Reiki level 3 is known as the level of "Realization", of the connection with our higher Self, with the part of divinity that we all are.
This initiation supposes a new expansion of consciousness projecting us towards the cosmos, towards the source of our life, of the Universal energy.
At this level the most important thing is to connect and become aware of our Higher Self and the relationship we have with it to lead a harmonious life.
To access this level it is important to have integrated and practiced the previous levels.
Introduction and objectives
The symbols in Reiki III
Dai-Ko-Myo Tradic.
"Usui Master Symbol"
DaI-Ko-Myo non-traditional
Psychic surgery
The Hu-Yin point
The therapeutic session in Reiki 3
Microcosmic orbit
Reiki Meditation 3
3rd Reiki level initiation
5 hour course | Price € 50 | Presential
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate