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TCM is an ancient Chinese holistic bioenergetic technique that understands that there are no diseases, but sick.


The basic pillars of Chinese medicine are the Yin and Yang Theory and the Theory of the Five Elements.

The principles and premises of Chinese medicine are drawn directly from traditional Taoist philosophy.

The major premise of Chinese medicinal theory is that all life in the universe is animated thanks

to a vital energy called "Qi".

TCM uses acupuncture, tuina and phytotherapy as the main techniques, which are applied according to the disequilibrium of the patient.

Other techniques are suction cups, moxibustion, auriculotherapy, low-frequency laser, chromopuncture, acupuncture ...



Acupuncture is a bioenergetic technique

of the TCM that involves the stimulation of

anatomical locations  on the skin

using a variety of techniques :

the most common are the metal needles ....


Variant of acupuncture, consists of the stimulation of the acupuncture points that are located in the pinna. It is based on the idea that the ear is a complete representation of the rest of the body.

Indicated for: fighting addictions (tobacco, alcohol), weight loss (reduces anxiety levels), low back pain, hemorrhoids, allergies, angina ...


El tratamiento de Reiki


El shiatsu permite descubrir las sensaciones que el trabajo de liberación de energía no deseada nos aporta, interaccionando y reequilibrando nuestro organismo.

El shiatsu facial-craneal aplicado en zonas hiperactivas o partes musculares tensas de superficie cráneo-facial, pone en marcha el proceso inverso, de tensión craneal a liberación y relax.
Así pues, según con la fuerza y duración del punto a trabajar provocamos reflejos en los órganos internos de nuestro cuerpo



Tiene como objetivo equilibrar la energía entre los órganos del cuerpo, además de lo psíquico y emocional, a través de diodos que emiten luz de colores puros.

Al aplicar distintos colores en determinados puntos de la piel, se envía información al cerebro, órgano que también coordina la producción endocrina.


En consecuencia, el cuerpo restablece la armonía, para que se emitan las señales necesarias para que retorne la equilibrio corporal.

Cada uno de los colores tiene efectos directos y distintos en cada una de las partes del cuerpo. La punta de los diodos se elabora con punta de cuarzo, que tiene la facultad de multiplicar por diez la acción del color.

Laser de bajafreq

Láser de baja frecuencia

La Laserpuntura es una modalidad de la MTC que usa la emisión estimulada de fotones procedentes de la luz que se

produce en un dispositivo láser para producir un estimulo

energético sobre los puntos de acupuntura  y

reestablecer el equilibrio en todo el organismo. 

Es utilizada  para irradiar tanto los puntos corporales

como los  los puntos auriculares.



La moxibustión es una de las técnicas terapéuticas de la Medicina Tradicional China (MTC) en la que se utilizan puros de Moxa (hechos a base de la planta artemisa) para aplicar calor en puntos concretos de acupuntura.

El objetivo es generar un efecto que ayude a equilibrar el organismo gracias a los estímulos producidos por el calor que penetra a través de los puntos y meridianos de acupuntura, afectando así a nuestras funciones fisiológicas y órganos internos


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Bach Flower Intensive

Course of 5 Modules of 5 hours | Price € 50 / Module | Presential and On-line

Bach flowers are very subtle but deep energy extracts because they heal the emotional cause that is even affecting us already on the physical plane (dysfunction).
In this course you will learn to apply the 38 Flowers of Dr. Bach from his holistic in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual plane, either for you as a personal growth or as a floral therapist.
We will work on the following aspects of each Flower: Description of Bach, Keyword, Typical psychological traits, Clinical picture or transpersonal pattern, Corrected aspect, Lesson to learn and Differential diagnosis.


1st Module:

Introduction to holistic Bach Flowers.
Bach Flowers and hypersensitivity, fear and loneliness
The rescue remedy

2nd Module:

The Bach Flowers and despondency, uncertainty, lack of interest in the present and suffering for others

3rd Module:

Bach flowers and pathologies
Catalytic and protective Bach flowers
The Bach Flowers and the chakras.

4th Module - Presential Only

Meditation of connection to your higher Self.
Review and practice of Bach Flowers from the soul

Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate

Bach Flower Intensive

Course of 5 Modules of 5 hours | Price € 50 / Module | Presential and On-line

Bach flowers are very subtle but deep energy extracts because they heal the emotional cause that is even affecting us already on the physical plane (dysfunction).
In this course you will learn to apply the 38 Flowers of Dr. Bach from his holistic in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual plane, either for you as a personal growth or as a floral therapist.
We will work on the following aspects of each Flower: Description of Bach, Keyword, Typical psychological traits, Clinical picture or transpersonal pattern, Corrected aspect, Lesson to learn and Differential diagnosis.


1st Module:

Introduction to holistic Bach Flowers.
Bach Flowers and hypersensitivity, fear and loneliness
The rescue remedy

2nd Module:

The Bach Flowers and despondency, uncertainty, lack of interest in the present and suffering for others

3rd Module:

Bach flowers and pathologies
Catalytic and protective Bach flowers
The Bach Flowers and the chakras.

4th Module - Presential Only

Meditation of connection to your higher Self.
Review and practice of Bach Flowers from the soul

Grupos reducidos | Se entregan apuntes | Certificado asistencia



Las fechas y horarios de los cursos se fijan con el grupo. Envíanos tu nombre y tu disponibilidad y nos pondremos en contacto contigo

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