Tara Salud Integral
Mcarmen Jara

Bach flowers
Bach Flower Intensive
Bach flowers are very subtle but deep energy extracts because they heal the emotional cause that is even affecting us already on the physical plane (dysfunction).
In this course you will learn to apply the 38 Flowers of Dr. Bach from his holistic in the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual plane, either for you as a personal growth or as a floral therapist.
We will work on the following aspects of each Flower: Description of Bach, Keyword, Typical psychological traits, Clinical picture or transpersonal pattern, Corrected aspect, Lesson to learn and Differential diagnosis.
1st Module:
Introduction to holistic Bach Flowers.
Bach Flowers and hypersensitivity, fear and loneliness
The rescue remedy
2nd Module:
The Bach Flowers and despondency, uncertainty, lack of interest in the present and suffering for others
3rd Module:
Bach flowers and pathologies
Catalytic and protective Bach flowers
The Bach Flowers and the chakras.
4th Module - Presential Only
Meditation of connection to your higher Self.
Review and practice of Bach Flowers from the soul
Course of 5 Modules of 5 hours | Price € 50 / Module | Presential and On-line
Small groups | Notes are delivered | Attendance certificate